Easy Money version 23.08.23 – Mod FS 23 Mobile (

FS 23 Mobile Mods Easy Money

Download free money for the mobile game Farming Simulator 23. To install, you will have to manually specify the amount of money from the selection, or rather copy and paste the lines.

Specified lines for storeItems.txt to select and paste:
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/+5M.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/+2M.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/+1M.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/+500k.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/-500k.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/-1M.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/-2M.xml"/>;
- <storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="$data/mods/money/-5M.xml"/>.

Look for the lines that are indicated in the text file from the archive. A money mod has been made to download for FS 23 Mobile. Although the principle of the game is lost with a large sum on the account of the farmer, you can have fun with agricultural models, by the way.

My improvements for easy money:
- Fixed the display of icons;
- Fixed the amount of receipt;
- Added a file with registrations for storeItems;
- You just need to copy and paste from a new line.

Download mod 1 | 228 KB Download mod 2 | 228 KB

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Comments 1
FS 23 version 0.16 is not a mod. Can you make a detailed installation video or article for current versions?
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