DMT 4A Demeter version 05.02.20 – Mod FS 19 (1.7.1)

FS 19 Mods DMT 4A Demeter

Trailer unit called Demeter, made in the game Farming Simulator 19 for free. Purchased for 9400 per piece.

The width of the passage is four meters, with a speed of 17 km / h. Wants the optimal power of the tractor 180 horsepower.

Possibilities of "DMT 4A Demeter" in the store:
- Take the frame color green, red or blue.

Changes v05.02.20:
- Another icon in the category;
- New brand mod in the Farm 19 store;
- High-quality optimization to Modhub;
- Updates to the Specular type texture.

Download mod 1 | 10.97 MB Download mod 2 | 10.97 MB

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