Pack of Seeders and Cultivators version 14.09.21 – Mod Farming Simulator 20 Android (

Farming Simulator 20 Android Mods Pack of Seeders and Cultivators

Mod to add to FS20 Android. Important: To refuel the seeders, you must first change 1 to 0 by saving in the cover lines. And yet, to put the szt 5.4 seeder into working position, you need 2 tractors.

The modpack of seeders includes:

Seeder cultivator СЗС-2.1:
- Seeder-cultivator SZS-2.1 is designed for sowing grain, leguminous and small-seeded crops on stubble.

Seeder cultivator 3-СЗС-2.1:
- A block of three seeders-cultivators SZS-2.1 is designed for sowing grain, leguminous and small-seeded crops on the stubble.

Seeder AGRATOR 3400:
- Mechanical sowing complexes "AGROMASTER" of cultivator type are designed for direct sowing with full cutting of stubble and minimum cultivation technology.

Seeder SZ-5.4:
- A series of seeders SZ (SZT) is designed for row sowing of grain, leguminous and small-seeded crops with the simultaneous application of fertilizers.

Seeder ASTRA 5.4A Premium:
- ASTRA seeders are designed for row sowing of grain, leguminous and small-seeded crops with simultaneous application of fertilizers.

Double hitch SPZ-10.8:
- The SZP-10.8 hitch is used to hitch two SZT 5.4 seeders to one tractor.

Popolniki from weeds BMR-5.6:
- Harrow BMR-5,6 for continuous and inter-row processing of any crops. It is used to control weeds, destroy the crust, loosen the surface of the field, saturate the soil with air, retain moisture, and prepare the soil for sowing.

Chisel plow Chizelmaster 4200:
- The CHIZELMASTER chisel plow is designed for moldboardless loosening to a depth of up to 28 cm. It is used for annual plowing with classical cultivation technology and to combat soil overconsolidation with a minimum loosening technology with a chisel plow every 5-7 years or once per crop rotation.

Subsoiler KR-2.1:
- Subsoilers of the KR series manufactured by BDT-AGRO LLC are designed for moldboardless deep loosening of the soil with the possibility of simultaneous loosening of the upper and middle layers of the soil, as well as cutting weeds.

Cultivator KPO-4:
- KPO-4 is designed for pre-sowing loosening of the soil and the destruction of weeds immediately before sowing, for processing fallow fields and autumn tillage.

Download mod 1 | 39.07 MB Download mod 2 | 39.07 MB

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