KamAZ 6460 Tractor version 01.11.22 – Mod FS 19 (1.7.1)

FS 19 Mods KamAZ 6460 Tractor

Feature of the mod for the Russian truck:
- Working lights and mirrors;
- Mod of the KamAZ 6460 Tractor truck for FS 19;
- Leaves marks behind the wheel and gets dirty while driving;
- Animated dashboard and pedals, gearshift lever and cardans.

Modifications in the store:
- Choice of color;
- Replaceable wheels and trims.

Changes v01.11.22 for FS 19:
- Reconfigured light;
- Added number selection;
- Replaced front bumper;
- Added script support: "SimpleIC" and UniversalPassenger;
- Changed nameplates on the doors from 65116 to 6460;
- Combined choice of mirrors, steering wheel, and trim;
- Minor changes.

Download mod 1 | 51.80 MB Download mod 2 | 51.80 MB

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