Category Adder version 16.02.20 – Mod FS 19 (1.7.1)

FS 19 Mods Category Adder

New category in Farming 2019 menu. Allows mods to create and use a new shop category. Same method as using a new brand. (See "Instructions.txt" for details)

Category Adder:
- Moves "AquaTrans", "MKS 8", "MKS 32" and "FST 990" to a new category called "Liquid Transport".
- Moves "Water Station", "Lime Station" (GS mod) and Placeable Gas Stations (GS mod) to a new category called "Refill Stations".

Mod v16.02.20 changes:
- Added the ability to manually get translations from other mods.

Download mod 1 | 43.29 KB Download mod 2 | 43.29 KB

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