Selo Yagodnoye map version 19.01.20 – Mod FS 19 (1.7.1)

FS 19 Mods Selo Yagodnoye map

Together with the terrain of the Selo Yagodnoye map there is a pack mod and a couple of functioning objects (workshop, garages, gas station, house, place for grain crops, cowshed, pits for silage). There are sixty-five fields and animals on the terrain. I ported the map mod from Farming 2017 and completed it as is according to its standard.

Changes in v19.01.20:
- I did a few little things.
- The area of ​​some fields fell into the zone of another site, but I fixed it.
- Cereal plant and Oil extraction plant, now shown in the lists of points of sale.
- Changed triggers for selling bales, silage, hay, straw, grass at the livestock complex (Checked, everything works).
- At first, you can plant trees in small quantities. (Whoever was engaged in forestry during their preservation, the growth of cut trees is possible, but this is the author's theory (from the time of FS 17);
- Added another plot with a workshop and garages there;
- After I crushed the plots, there were many more of them;
- When buying a plot, you are also given all the objects that are there, and vice versa (except for the vegetable and grain warehouse);
- I also added to the existing crops: bread, flour, onions, carrots, sugar, rye, grain waste, peeled grain, compost, pellets, bran;
- Now there are six more new productions, you need to buy them: flour, grain cleaning, pellets, compost, pig feed, seed production.
- I tried to do a good optimization of the map, but it will be seen from your side;
- I registered additional sounds on the terrain;
- In addition, I also worked out all sorts of little things;
- I fixed the error at the stable and during seed production;
- New corrections with the route have been made to the traffic machines;
- There were objects on which it was necessary to adjust the lighting;
- Your saves will not be affected by this update;
- First of all, the map was combined with the Seasons mod, and all sorts of minor adjustments were made;
- Based on the first grain cleaner, cleaning does not work as it did in the past;
- The workshop at base number one has been revised: the trigger has been increased, now it is allowed to repair large equipment;
- Introduced new products: grain cleaning and a grain plant, a mill and a bakery, a sugar factory and an oil extraction plant;
- Made the capacity at the train transfer stations up to 500,000 liters;
- Reduced the speed of transport traffic;
- Added places to sell seeds, wool and cotton;
- Increased the speed of the train to 120 km / h;
- Built a conveyor at the sugar factory;
- Made minor adjustments to the little things;
- Works with the new season mod;
- Added and replaced objects;
- Minor fixes;
- Changed the base.

Download mod 1 | 1.00 GB Download mod 2 | 1.00 GB

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