Grass is used in many places, but not every player knows how to properly sow, fertilize and mow grass in Farming Simulator 20. In this guide, we will figure out how to properly handle grass in FS20, what equipment we need for this, and what we need grass in general.
For grass, we first need a special cultivator. In general, many cultivators support a grass-specific processing function. When buying, make sure that there is the same icon as in the screenshot below. If there is such an icon, then the cultivator suits us. In our case, we will buy a Discolander XM 52.
Great, we already have the cultivator we need. It's time to finally get down to business. We hook our brand new cultivator to the tractor, and go to our field, which needs to be processed for further sowing. The Discolander XM 52 has one very important feature. Thanks to this cultivator, you can not only cultivate the soil, but also plant grass and canola at the same time. Yes, it sounds rather strange, but in reality everything works very simply. Time to get to work:
- We hook our Discolander XM 52 to the tractor and fill it with seeds. Refueling takes literally a second, so it won't take long;
- We approach our field, where we are going to grow grass, lower / open our tool, wait for the end of the animation;
- Now we stand in any edge of our field, and calmly, slowly, we walk around the entire field. Our cultivator works the soil and sows at the same time.
The first phase of our work has been completed. The soil has been successfully cultivated, the seeds have been planted, now it is time to do an equally important thing - to fertilize the field. Remember that fertilizer is an optional, but very important process, because fertilizers significantly increase the yield of any crop. We take the following steps:
- We buy a sprayer / fertilizer spreader, if still not available;
- We cling to our tractor;
- We fill our sprayer, it only takes a few seconds. Fertilizers can be obtained in many ways, in the case of a sprayer, liquid fertilizers will be required, not solid ones;
- Again we drive up to the edge of our field, where the grass is already grown, open the tool (as a rule, the working radius of sprayers is quite large);
- We fertilize our entire field, we pass once.
Yes, the process is complete. Now it remains to wait a bit for the grass to grow. It won't take very long. We are waiting for the grass to fully grow, and we begin the next stage. For the next step, we need a mower. We go to the store, to the Mowers category (mowers), and buy the mower we need there.
We head to the store and hook the purchased mower to our tractor. We return to our field, where we need to mow the grass.
Note! Farming Simulator 20 has a weird mower bug. The mower is clinging from behind, but out of nowhere, another part of the mower just appears in front of the tractor. It looks strange, but don't worry, everything is fine.
Now let's start the process:
- We drive up to our field and open the mower;
- We get up near the edge, and we pass along the entire field. If you do everything right, there will be an animation, and the type of grass will change, that is, it will be seen that the grass has been cut;
- When the whole field is mowed, we can unhook our mower and decide what to do next with all this grass.
So we figured out how to sow, fertilize and mow grass in Farming Simulator 20. But there is another very important point - what to do with all this mowed grass? There are several options here. If you need grass in this form, you can purchase a baling tool and make bales out of all this collected grass. Or you can use a loading wagon (special trailer) in order to collect and transport all this grass. If you need hay, you can dry all this grass.
By the way, the grass is used mostly in animal husbandry. Many animals use grass as food, and hay is also strongly required in animal husbandry and in some other places. So now you know how to get grass and hay in FS20.