FS 19 store badges, equipment purchase and equipment modification

FS 19 Mods FS 19 store badges, equipment purchase and equipment modification

The shop in the farming game FS 19 is the place where farm equipment is bought, sold, and rented. At the same time, some equipment and machinery usually have modifications in the options. Also there, for quick clarity and understanding of the store menu, the corresponding icons are placed.

Purchase of equipment

Machines and tools can be purchased at the store. The store can be visited directly on the map or by pressing the corresponding key (P by default) to open the store window at any time.

Items can be sorted by purpose and brand. Switching the view is carried out with the arrow buttons at the top.

Equipment modification

After purchase, some of the machines can be modified. Each of them has its own set of options for modification.

To modify the car later, put it in the marked area near the store and activate its icon.
Individual elements can be modified: the color and design of the machine, the engine and wheels, as well as the presence of a front loader attachment. Attention: Not every machine or tool has the full range of modifications available.

Sale of equipment

In the store window, you can also enter your garage. This allows you to view or sell existing equipment. And the cost of machines depends on their age and wear after agrotechnical work.

In front of the store there is an area where you can leave the machines and tools that you intend to sell (in the game FS 19). Everything that is sold in this way will bring in 20% more revenue, because you took the trouble to deliver the equipment to the store yourself.

Service life

Over time, your equipment begins to wear out.
Equipment, when in need of repair, loses speed or motor power.

To repair a car in Farming Simulator 19, take it to a shop or your auto repair shop.


If you want to try out a new machine or tool, you can rent it instead of buying it.

To do this, go to the store and click the "Rent" button. You will have to pay an initial fee, and then the hourly rate will begin to accrue. The price depends on the selected modifications.
Attention farmers: rented equipment cannot be modified.

In the game FS 19, the icons are divided into two parts

For greater convenience and understanding, Farmin Simulator 19 has symbols and icons for the corresponding purpose. They are divided into the first part, and the second part by purpose. There are only 16 of them.

Badges, part one

The icons in the store and the garage have different meanings. If you get confused, check the following explanations.
1. Hourly income: how much money you will receive from equipment every hour.
2. Engine Power: Indicates the engine power.
3. Power Required: Indicates the power required to use the tool.
4. Gas tank: indicates the volume of the gas tank.
5. Capacity: indicates how much volume the tank can hold.
6. Purchased: indicates how many machines/tools of this type you have purchased.
7. Rented: indicates how many machines/tools of this type you rent.

Badges, part two

1. Working Width: Indicates how wide the machine or tool can handle.
2. Maximum speed: indicates the speed that the machine can reach, or the limit at which the tool can still be used.
3. Types of crops: indicates which crops the equipment is designed to transport or process.
4. Types of seeds: indicates which seeds can be sown.
5. Not a very important icon...
6. Information: gives a general idea of the purpose of the machine or tool.
The garage has the following three icons that do not appear in the FS 19 store.
7. Age: indicates how many days you have owned this machine or tool.
8. Operating Hours: Indicates how many hours this machine or tool has already been in operation (calculated from real time).
9. Top Speed: Indicates how fast the machine is capable of working on even ground.

Pay attention to the icons and symbols in Farmin Simulator 19, they will make it easier and faster to navigate the store and garage menus. But we also want to note that some mods may not be well-made, and may give false information.

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